Saturday, January 23, 2010

baby steps

Today has been a eyes-wide opener. When you realize that some of the most important people around are making those steps toward a complete paradigm shift, you can't help but glow a little. Recently, I read my friend's blog about the steps she and her husband are taking to ensure that their child does not grow up in the same world we are living in. She is expecting in a few months, and the steps she has taken on her research of products is inspiring. She has truly bloomed into a grounded, educated, soon-to-be-mama.

The big issue was diapers. She and her husband have just put a deposit on a diaper-cleaning service so that they do not have to use disposable ones. What a savvy pair. They found that, although the downpayment is a lot up front, the total money saved, in the long term, outweighed the current cost. Cost included the diapers and the environmental factors. Apparently, as she wrote, it takes 250+ years for disposable diapers to break down. Not so good for this fragile planet of ours. They took it upon temselves to do the necessary research and penny-saving in order to benefit their child, not to mention their grandchildren down the line.

I am always fascinated and moved when people close to me choose to take the path that may be right, but a little more difficult. Of course, buying Pampers would be easier in the short term, just a quick step away to your nearest cornerstore for some diapers, but these two actually researched their options and made the decision to do it differently. Well, differently to modern standards as even I grew up on cloth diapers.

We can change things, the course of the world, if we all took these baby steps. Little by little, things can change I have friends that boycott Nestle based on the company's unethical practice of bottling a town's water, running the town dry, then selling them bottles of their own natural water. Whatever we can all do to help in this slow, but sure, process of change.

Kudos to all those that may not be ready to make a whole life change, but are taking the necessary steps in educating themselves in hopes for a brighter future.

1 comment:

  1. I think its you grew up in cloth diapers. We the smal people always try to do our bit. Poor people use cloth diapers because they cannot afford the high price of disposable, they need to be able to use them over & over again. Its usually the young who don't know any better. I remember you & Sam coming home to tell us to recycle, reuse, reduce our garbage, we old folks can learn too. Just need to take & make the time & effort to do our small part.
